Strumenti Dentali
Servizi di riparazione manipoli e turbine dentali
Voglio riparare i miei strumentiServizi di riparazione manipoli e turbine dentali

At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
If your engine is sick or tired we have the equipment to check, diagnose and efficiently fix any problem you may have.
Morbi vitae nibh eu enim convallis porttitor. Etiam sit amet fermentum diam, in aliquam erat. In nisi neque, pretium in quam.
Pellentesque urna urna, rhoncus vitae elit id, maximus dictum arcu. Nulla malesuada dui eu efficitur aliquet. In nisi neque.
Ut vitae quam et urna ultrices volutpat. Sed scelerisque tristique posuere. Praesent dapibus ligula eget sollicitudin congue.
Donec massa nibh, placerat eu lobortis ut, ornare in massa. Quisque pellentesque, turpis sit amet ullamcorper mollis.
Nunc porttitor in tellus a rutrum. Curabitur in ante dui. Sed id erat eget libero egestas mollis et id dolor.
Servizio Esperto
Inviaci i tuoi strumenti danneggiati e ricevi un preventivo gratuito per il loro ripristino.

Servizio Multimarche Riparazione Manipoli:
- Sostituzione dei cuscinetti del rotore
- Controllo dei condotti di aria e acqua
- Pulizie dei condotti di aria e acqua
- Sostituzione integrale del rotore
- Sostituzione dei cuscinetti
- Verifica delle condizioni e del malfunzionamento
- Controllo di tutte le parti interne ed esterne
- Controllo della tenuta della fresa e concentricita’ della sua rotazione
- Controllo cuscinetti e meccanismo di apertura
- Controllo indotto motore
- Controllo carboncini e connettore/cavo del manipolo
Servizi di alta Qualità
Ti offriamo servizi di alta qualità, con personale costantemente aggiornato sulla riparazione di strumenti dentali, inclusi turbine e manipoli.
Preventivo gratuito
Ricevi un preventivo dettagliato senza costi, anche se decidi di non procedere con la riparazione dei tuoi strumenti
Supporto telefonico
Scopri telefonicamente se lo strumento è riparabile e ottieni una stima dei costi, senza dover inviarlo.
Ricambi di qualità garantita
Per tutte le nostre riparazioni utilizziamo pezzi di ricambio originali o compatibili di alta qualità testati negli anni e garantiti come gli originali
We use the latest diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired or serviced properly and in a timely fashion. We are a member of Professional Auto Service, an elite performance network, where independent service facilities share common goals of being world-class automotive service centers.
- 24 Month / 24,000km Nationwide Warranty
- Courtesy Local Shuttle Service
- Customer Rewards Program
- ASE Certified Technicians
- 24-Hour Roadside Assistance
- Courtesy Loaner Vehicle
Come richiedere la riparazione

I tuoi manipoli verranno riparati entro 48 ore** e ti saranno rispediti presso il tuo studio con garanzia di 12 mesi.
di Esperienza

I took my car there to get fixed after I was hit and my rear upper controler arm was bent. They gave me the best estimate, and had the work done super quick! The customer service was amazing, and they were very polite and knowledgable!

I would recommend Car Repair Service to anyone without a doubt! Very professional and reliable. The best customer service and reasonable prices. My go to auto shop from now on!!!

I would recommend Car Repair Service to anyone without a doubt! Very professional and reliable. The best customer service and reasonable prices. My go to auto shop from now on and The customer service was amazing, and they were very polite and knowledgable!
Manutenzione del manipolo dentale FAQs
1. Accumulo di detriti
2. Pressione dell'aria eccessiva
3. Temperature eccessive durante la sterilizzazione
4. Stress da carico laterale
5. Presenza di acqua nel serbatoio dell'aria del compressore
6. Utilizzo di frese piegate o non completamente inserite
Questi fattori possono compromettere significativamente le prestazioni e la durata delle turbine dentali. Una manutenzione regolare e un uso corretto sono essenziali per prevenire questi problemi.
2. Evitare la pulizia in pulitori a ultrasuoni. 3. Non superare i 40 PSI di pressione dell'aria per evitare danni ai cuscinetti della turbina.
4. Mai raffreddare i manipoli sotto acqua corrente fredda: i raffreddamenti rapidi danneggiano i componenti della turbina.
5. Lubrificare adeguatamente. Lubrificare il manipolo e rimuovere l'eccesso facendolo funzionare prima della sterilizzazione in autoclave.
6. Non lasciare le frese nel mandrino durante la sterilizzazione. Ciò può indebolire le molle o causare accumulo di detriti.
7. Non rimuovere il manipolo dall'autoclave prematuramente. Attendere il completamento del ciclo di asciugatura per evitare la formazione di condensa interna.
8. Pulire regolarmente le fibre ottiche per mantenere un'illuminazione ottimale del campo operatorio.
9. Controllare la pulizia delle linee aria e acqua. Linee contaminate possono compromettere tutti i manipoli collegati.
10. Sostituire il filtro dell'acqua principale due volte all'anno per prevenire l'ostruzione delle linee d'acqua e degli spray dei manipoli.
Punti chiave:
1. La durata dipende dall'uso e dalla manutenzione individuale.
2. Con una cura adeguata, i manipoli possono funzionare efficacemente per anni.
3. Test di laboratorio hanno dimostrato che la maggior parte dei manipoli ad alta velocità mantiene le prestazioni per circa 500 cicli di sterilizzazione.
Una manutenzione regolare e un uso corretto sono fondamentali per massimizzare la durata e l'efficienza dei manipoli dentali.

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